Monday, March 7, 2011

Syntax For The Things They Carried

.   “They were not love letters, but Lieutenant Cross was hoping, so he kept them folded in plastic at the bottom on his rucksack. In the late afternoon, after a day’s march, he would dig his foxhole, wash his hands under a canteen, unwrap the letters, hold them with the tips of his fingers, and spend the last hour of light pretending” (1).
O’Brian takes syntax to a whole new level in this paragraph in order to express Lieutenants obsession with his “lover.” He combines many different actions into one single sentence and it shows how infatuated he is with her. He is not capable of focusing on anything else but her and it creates a passionate, yet frantic mood. This all relates to O’Brian’s purpose to illustrate Lieutenant Cross’s character and to give the reader a better understanding of his character’s background.    
.   “The whole country—the dirt, the death—I just want to swallow it and have it there inside me. That’s how I feel. It’s like the appetite. I get scared sometime—lots of times—but its not bad” (106).
In this paragraph, O’Brian uses interrupted order and telegraphic sentence structure in order to show the purpose of writings. Marry Anne is trying to express her feelings and by using interrupted order, it shows her frantically trying to figure out a way to say what she is feeling. This creates a frantic and overwrought mood. The telepathic sentences show how meaningful and intimate the conversation is. This influences the style of the piece in that it shows the author’s attitude toward its subject and creates a connection between the author and his story.   

Rhetorical Strategies For The Things They Carried

O’Brian uses many rhetorical strategies throughout his book in order to describe the many different events that occur throughout the story. These rhetorical strategies each have their own unique effect on the text and the author’s style. For example, O’Brian incorporates a rhetorical question when introducing Jimmy Cross’s obsessive love for Martha. Jimmy thinks about his college lover constantly and asks himself questions about her such as, “Why poetry? Why so sad? Why that grayness in her eyes?” (11).  By showing each of the characters individual thoughts, it adds to the author’s unique style of writing and allows for the reader to better understand each of the characters. These rhetorical questions make the reader stop and think about what Jimmy is experiencing, and makes it easier for the reader to be able to relate to his situation. An anaphora is then used when O’Brian is speaking of the time he fled to Canada in order to avoid from being drafted into the war—a war in which he did not support. He starts off the beginning of this tale by claiming that he had spoken of this event “not to [his] parents, not to [his] brother or sister, [and] not even to [his wife]”(O’Brian 37).  By repeating the phrase “not to”, it adds to the effect of how important and exclusive this one story is to him, and it shows how ashamed he was to have done such a thing. He also incorporates metaphors throughout his book such as when speaking of what happened to Marry Anne Bell. He describes how the war took over her and “had the effect of a powerful drug”. Then, —through an extended metaphor—he continues to say that it “makes you become intimate with danger”(109). This metaphor helps the reader understand how powerful war can be and see the impact that it can have on a person.  By O’Brian comparing war to something that is so serious and impactful as drugs are, it shows his style and exemplifies the importance of war to him. He makes it clear to the reader how powerful he believes war can be. Finally, through the use of repetition, O’Brian expresses the importance of the things that each of the soldiers carry. Throughout the novel he continuously refers to these “things they carried” and each symbolize something significant to each of the characters. It helps develop each of the characters personalities and allows for the reader to get a much deeper understanding of their values.

Diction For The Things They Carried

Throughout the novel, O’Brian uses colloquial diction and profanity when describing certain events and characters.  Since most of the events take place during the Vietnam War, such diction helps depict the time period of when the story takes place and allows for the reader to get a better understanding of the context. O’Brian uses terms that would have been exchanged between him and his fellow soldiers such as the word “humped” which is said to mean “to carry something” or “to walk”(O’Brian 3). Through this colloquial diction, the reader is able to connect more with the characters by being able to understand their backgrounds and relate to their circumstances.  The prolific amount of profanity also adds to this effect. Swearing was also a vey popular trend with men at war and by incorporating such cursing into his writings, O’Brian helps set the dismissive tone he has towards the characters and of the Vietnam War. It also helps depict the personality of the soldiers and make them seem older than they really are. Even though they are young in reality, they consider themselves to be “men” because they are off fighting at war; and by using profanity it makes them appear older and more mature. 

Text Connections For The Things They Carried

Between two different chapters, O’Brian talks about the man he killed during the Vietnam War. In “The man I Killed” he speaks with sympathy and distress, and imagines what the boys life would have been like had he not killed him. He wonders about his childhood and how his life used to be before he entered the war. O'Brian also describes him in less gruesome detail than he does in the next chapter titled “Ambush.” In this chapter he tells of the same event but imagines that he is telling it to an older version of his daughter Kathleen.  In this version of the story he goes into much more detail about the killing rather than looking at the dead body after the fact. In this text-to-text connection, O’Brian tells of the same event but from a different perspective; and the comparing of the two allows for the reader to get a deeper understanding of his experience. This also shows O’Brian coping with his guilt in that when he first describes the event he speaks of how things would have been if he did not taken the boys life. He then begins to realize the consequences of his actions. In the second version of his story he goes back and relives this horrible nightmare that he has been avoiding for so long and finally takes responsibility for his actions. 

Personal Review For The Things They Carried

In the fictional story of The Things the Carried by Tim O’Brien, the author tells the tragic war story of the men in the Alpha Company troop during the Vietnam War. In this twisted tale, narrator Tim O’Brian speaks of the many different events that occurred during his experience in the war and describes the deaths of the many men—some of them were members of his troop and others were ones that he encountered at battle-- that were killed during the war. I really enjoyed this book and felt that the author’s style of writing was very compelling; it kept me on my toes and allowed for the storyline to be unpredictable. I especially enjoyed the chapters of “The man I Killed” and “Ambush” and the way in which the author wrote the same story from two different points of view. I also enjoyed the uniqueness of the way in which the author tied things together. He starts off the book by listing off the things each of the soldiers “carried” while off at war and within each chapter he explains the significance of each of the objects and how they relate to an event that each of the soldiers experienced.  This allowed for me as the reader to understand each of the characters better and learn more about each of their personalities. Overall, I thought the story was very entertaining and engaging and would highly recommend it. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When describing Daisy, Fitzgerald tends to use very flowery and flamboyant diction. He uses words such as “gay “ and “radiant” when describing objects and items that are associated with Daisy making it clear to the reader that Daisy is also a very bright and sensational person (Fitzgerald 148).  His choice in diction makes it apparent that Daisy’s ardent spirit travels through everything that surrounds her, depicting her as almost a god-like figure. Not only does this diction illustrate Daisy’s personality, but it also shows Fitzgerald’s admiring tone towards her character.  By using words like “fresh” and “scarcely withered” it shows how highly Daisy is thought of especially by Gatsby (148-149). Using positively connotative words to describe what Gatsby sees when looking at Daisy, it once again conveys this earnest tone. 

Personal Review

After reading through Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, I had mixed emotions on how I felt about the book. I thought the story line was decent with some interesting twists toward the end, however, I didn’t find Fitzgerald’s style of writing to be very effective. I tended to lose interest throughout the book due to the lack of suspense and felt that his style was very dull. After a couple of chapters in, it began to seem very repetitive and tedious.  On the contrary, I did enjoy the characters within the story and thought that is was interesting being able to discover each of their individual personalities and secrets throughout the plot. Each of the characters personalities would seem to change within an instant based on the situation or the people they were interacting with. I found it quite fascinating learning about Gatsby and Daisy’s past and seeing how it all connected at the end. I also felt that Fitzgerald was successful with relating to the reader by basing his plot on real-life situations and emotions most human beings experience in there life: love, loneliness, happiness, life. Overall, I would not say that book would be one of the best novels I have ever read, but I felt that it was decent book with both positive and negative qualities. 

Text Connections

I felt a personal connection to the emotions and denial that Nick was experiencing over the death of his good and beloved friend Gatsby. Nick and Gatsby grew a very close relationship over the course of the story, and his death came to much of a shock to Nick. I can relate to Nick’s emotions and his feeling of not wanting to believe the truth of his good friends death. When grieving over the death of someone who is very close to you, it is difficult to accept the facts, and in order to avoid the pain one feels that they must avoid anything that may remind them of their lost loved one. Nick claims that he can “vividly still hear the music and the laughter, faint and incessant [noises] from [Gatsby’s] garden” and felt as if Gatsby presence was still very much alive (179). This statement reminded me of the book The Death and Life of Charlie Saint Cloud by Ben Sherwood, which tells the story of a boy and his little brother who dies in a horrific car crash. While trying to overcome his grief, he starts to believe that he can still see and interact with his little brother even though he is clearly dead, just as Nick claims to be able to see Gatsby’s huge parties going on even though he knows that Gatsby is long gone.


“They had forgotten me, but Daisy glanced up and held out her hand; Gatsby didn’t know me now at all. I looked once more at them and they looked back at me, remotely, possessed by intense life. Then I went out of the room and down the marble steps in to the rain, leaving them there together” (Fitzgerald 96).

This syntax in the following passage stands for the purpose of expressing the amount of passion and love between Gatsby and Daisy. Fitzgerald writes of multiple actions being done by each of the characters within this paragraph, yet all of them lead back to the focus being on the two “lovers”. With the influx of commas between each sentence, it creates a dramatic effect, building up the intensity of the situation.

“He smiled understandingly- much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced- or seemed to face –the whole external world for and instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor” (48).

The syntax within this passage reveals the authors tone towards Gatsby when he is first introduced. The interrupted order throughout this paragraph shows how flustered and humbled Nick was to meeting Gatsby. He is looked upon as such a high and mighty man, and seeing how nervous he makes others just by talking to them makes him seem even more powerful and highly looked upon revealing the authors awestruck tone. 

Rhetorical Strategies

Simile: “For a moment a phrase tried to take shape in my mouth and my lips parted like a dumb man’s” (Fitzgerald 111).

Allusion: “He must have looked up at the unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about…like that ashen, fantastic figure gliding toward him through the amorphous trees” (161).

Imagery: “His eyes leaked continuously with excitement, and when I took the bag and umbrella from his hands he began to pull so incessantly at his sparse gray beard that I had difficulty in getting off his coat. He was on the point of collapse, so I took him into the music room and made him sit down while I sent for something to ea. But he wouldn’t eat, and the glass of milk spilled from his trembling hand” (167).

Apostrophe: “But as they drew back the sheet and looked at Gatsby with unmoved eyes, his protest continued in my brain: “Look here, old sport, you’ve got to get somebody for me. You’ve got to try hard. I can’t go through this alone” (165).

Fitzgerald integrates multiple rhetorical devices throughout his novel such as the simile above describing Nick’s reaction to seeing Gatsby and Daisy reuniting. He compares his lips to that of “a dumb man’s” (111), and by doing so it allows for the reader to understand the amount of emotion and intensity occurring between Gatsby and Daisy based on Nicks reaction. Fitzgerald continues to use these similes to depict the characters inner most thoughts and emotions, allowing for the reader to connect and get a deeper understanding of each character. He also incorporates multiple allusions throughout the novel such as the one listed in the second bullet point alluding to the “heavens”. Fitzgerald uses these analogies as a way of connecting with the reader and to give them a more insightful understanding of the ideas he is trying to convey.  Next, Fitzgerald uses vast amounts of vivid and scintillating imagery in order to illustrate the bigger concepts of the story. His selection to detail is significant in that it gets the reader to feel as if they were there experiencing it themselves. Finally, after the death of Gatsby, an apostrophe is used creating a sympathetic tone towards Gatsby. By provoking this sympathy, it allows for a more in-depth analysis of the situation and keeps the attention of the reader.